
New website!

It's always difficult to know exactly what to do with a personal website. Should it be like an online resume, or as designer maybe just a portfolio, or just an old fashion blog?

I'm evolving, another way to say I'm becoming old, and it was time for me to chalenge the confort zone I'm evolving in since a couple of years now (not so much actually) and change a bit this channel...

I'm learning to code iOS Apps since a couple of months. Lucky me, I was able to attend the WWDC19 in San Jose and even if I had already a bit of iOS development knowledge, enough to understand almost everything, I was far to be able to code an entire app. But that was the past, and every day since then, I'm listening/reading/watching content on Swift and I'm gonna realise my first app ever this fall, probably after the iOS 13 public release.

So yes, I needed to change a bit this website to match my new needs:

  • Showcasing some designs
  • Showcasing my apps
  • Opening a channel outside of Medium
  • Being able to talk about whatever I'd like to...

I've coded this on the Grav platform in less than one weekend. It's definitively not perfect, but the last time I worked as front-end developer was a long time ago and if I'm waiting this to be perfect, nothing will nether happen. But, this website is available on light and dark mode for people using the native feature of their computer. Being a huge fan of the dark-mode (the first Linux Gnome I was using everyday for IT work was using dark-mode 10 years ago...), I needed to have this ready on my new website.


The last time I owned a blog was more than 10 years ago and except two or three posts on Medium, since then, I've written nothing. I've never really missed this period, I've no longer the required time to write like I was doing before...

But now I need it actually. I need to express some concerns, some experiences and to invest more time and try to fix what we did the past 20 years: screwing the world like it nether happen before with what we called the Internet revolution...

This topic needs definitly more than a quick post like this one, and I'll come back to this as soon as I can.

In English

I'm French and it's my main language at home, but not outside. I worked hard to be able to express myself and learn some subtilities too. Like my blog, I'm still far from perfect, but like this website, if I'm for waiting to be confident enough to do it, I'll do nothing.

In Conclusion...

It's not going to be perfect. You'll read a lot of mistake. Sometime I'll be wrong, probably, or I'll be wrong for a couple of people...

I'll not let the impostore syndrom shuting down what I'm aim for... ... I'm not good enough to have the impostore syndrom anyway.

Jeremie @ WWDC19

post published in: blog website