but also
- Entrepreneur
- Hacktivist
- Podcaster
- Streamer
- Bike fanatic
- Fixie rider
- Father
- Husband
- Dreamer
- Lifelong student
- Bald
but also
Bonjour, I am a Senior Product Designer. I design mobile apps from start to finish, for iOS and Android platforms. Not only am I competent in all aspects of the design process, but also strong at communicating design intent verbally and visually. What makes me unique is a special blend of creative, technologist, iOS developer, and UI/UXer.
I am using the Design Thinking principals as the roots to start any project for more than 10 years now, giving your product the best to be successful. This different steps is an insurance it will answer your costumers need.
Whatever framework we're using, they all have one key principle: your users come first and this is what matters.
I'm also an indie developer, this is what I'm building...
Make the best out of the beach!
Invoice tracking for freelancers.
Grand Sumo Wrestling Tournaments.
Train speed and more...
A great user experience is also a visual delight...
Track invoices & upcoming income with Demeter Invoice Tracking. Keep your accounting organized and manage payments effortlessly as a self-employed freelancer.
App designed and coded by myself for following Grand Sumo Tournaments scheduling and daily replays.
A quick side project I've started on the train during my Christmas holidays... *Trains are not my work and have been designed by tele52 > https://creativemarket.com/tele52*
Shoobie v2 is here! This promo-art allows people to try it for free through an App-Clip.
Demeter is my last app, available on iPhone, iPad and for the Mac. This app is an invoice tracker dedicated to freelancers.
In these videos, I share my learnings and my thoughts on design and software programming. Subscribe and like them for YouTube's algorithms... 😁
These shows are celebrating people, the weirdos, the brilliants, the visionaries all of these extraordinary souls who are refusing any status-quo.
They are changing the world or their world and as bonus, their experience.
With Camila, we talked about her commitment with Neighborhood Feminists, but how also how this organization has started and how they're helping women and transgender women here in Amsterdam. There is...
Jeremie talks with Unscrambl's Head of Product, Eliz Kılıç about why she came from developer to Head Of Product, how she's started as Indie iOS developer and what's the future of Dilims, her app.
Maegan Wilson joined me for a discussion about their multiple activities and next projects. I discovered Maegan on Twitch and I'm really happy to hava had the chance to talk with them. The discussion continues on Discord.
It's always difficult to know exactly what to do with a personal website. Should it be like an online resume, or as designer maybe just a portfolio, or just an old fashion blog?
I'm evolving, anothe...
La vie de couple, ça te change un homme, mais surtout, ses habitudes. J'ai 40 ans maintenant et (de nouveau) une vie de couple depuis 7 ans. Depuis peu, j'ai eu mon quatrième enfant (une petite fille...
We are a bunch of nice folks sharing knowledge and experiences on Discord.
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